Nohaila Kartti

Nohaila Kartti is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope. Her research is focused on innovation diffusion,international partnerships for innovation, cross cultural management, internationalization and entrepreneurship. In this regard, she is particularly interested in the management of international partnerships for innovation, examining the challenges and opportunities that arise in these collaborative contexts.

Annaluce Mandiello

Annaluce Mandiello is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope. Her research is focused on innovation diffusion, value co-creation, customer-centricity,  digital transformation, entrepreneurship, healthcare management. In this field, she is particularly interested in the pediatric sector. Moreover, she collaborates with VIMASS lab, the innovation and healthcare management research laboratory of the University of Naples Parthenope.

Arianna Pezone

Arianna Pezone is currently a Ph.D. student being involved in knowledge management and innovation management studies at the department of Management and Quantitative Studies at the University of Napoli Parthenope. Her research interests are distinguished by its focus on the profound impact of emerging technologies, new business models and policy on organizations, industries, and countries. She is also Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor.

Erika Rescigno

Erika Rescigno is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope. Her research is focused on Institutional Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Strategy, Green Strategy, Digitalization, and Gamification.

In this regard, she is particularly interested in the diffusion of entrepreneurship practices and the implementation of environmental strategies within public organizations.

Moreover, she is participating in the realization of a Business Game.

Letizia Saviano

Letizia Saviano is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope. Her research is focused on marketing, innovation diffusion, value co-creation,  open innovation. In this regard, she is particularly interested in the corporate brand co-creation and the role of organizational relationships in building the corporate brand.


Luca Venturini

Luca Venturini is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Naples “Parthenope.” He graduated with honors in International Marketing and Management from the same university. His research focuses on integrating modern technologies like AR, VR, the Metaverse, and AI into marketing strategies to innovate Customer Experience. Since 2023, he has been a member of the Italian Marketing Society (SIM) and the Italian Management Society (SIMA).

Federica Zeuli

Federica Zeuli is a doctoral student in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Naples “Parthenope.” She graduated with honors in Business Administration from the University of Naples “Federico II.” Her research focuses on AI, IoT, and digital transformation in healthcare management to improve patient engagement and experience. Since 2023, she has been a member of the Research Network of Innovation (RNI), and since 2024, a member of the European Academy of Management (EURAM). She is currently conducting research at Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha.

Alessia Spignese

Alessia Spignese is a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Naples “Parthenope”, co-operating with the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”. In 2022, she graduated with Honours in Economics, Finance and Markets from the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”. She is well-versed in corporate finance. Her research interests are cryptocurrencies, digital innovation and the role of technological services in the banking system. Her research interests include sustainable financing.

Gerardo Luisi

Gerardo Luisi is a student in the XXXVIII cycle of the PhD program in “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. He graduated in Management Engineering from the University of Salerno and began his academic journey in the Department of Business and Quantitative Studies with a research grant for the “Smart Integrated Manufacturing 4.0” project. In this context, he focused on studying IoT solutions to improve the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial processes. As part of his PhD program, started the following year, he continues his research on new technological solutions to support the green transition in the industrial context.

Caterina Cantone

Cantone Caterina is a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Naples “Parthenope”, co-operating with the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”. In 2021, she graduated in Economics and Management from the University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”. Her research area is accounting, and her research interests are international public accounts and accounting for the environmental impact of private companies.


Anna Bastone

Anna Bastone is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope. Her research focuses on big data, Artificial Intelligence, digital transformation, and healthcare management. In this field, she collaborates with VIMASS, the innovation and healthcare management research laboratory at the University of Naples Parthenope.

Ehtisham Ali

Ehtisham Ali, a Ph.D. student at DISAQ, University of Naples Parthenope, focuses on University-Industry collaboration to boost eco-innovation in European firms. He holds an MBA from NUML University, Pakistan, and has published numerous journal articles, press pieces, and book chapters. Certified as an Innovation and Technology Commercialization Professional from Georgia Tech, USA, Ali has professional experience in teaching and academic coordination in Pakistan and China.

Giuseppe Franzese

Giuseppe Franzese is a Ph.D. student in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies (DISAQ), University of Naples Parthenope. His research focuses on the potential of a phenomenon called gamification. His work aims to analyze the role of gamified solutions within simulations, online and offline, for strategic planning.  

Clemen D’Avanzo

Clemen D’Avanzo is a Ph.D. Student in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at DISAQ, Parthenope University of Naples. She holds multiple degrees in business economics, management, and marketing. Awarded the ‘Premio America Giovani’ by Fondazione Italia USA, her research focuses on Heritage marketing, Brand Management, and Industrial Tourism. Her master’s thesis explored the value of brand heritage for consumers and proposed a novel Brand equity measurement model, discussed at the XIX SIM Conference.

Serena Climaco

Serena Climaco is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at DISAQ, University of Naples Parthenope. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business economics and a master’s degree in Corporate Management and Finance from the same university. Her research focuses on female entrepreneurship, aiming to conduct a cross-national analysis of the gender gap in business activities between culturally distant contexts.

Gianmarco Salzillo

Gianmarco Salzillo is a Ph.D. student in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies at the University of Naples Parthenope and the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli.” His research focuses on sustainable accounting policies, with an emphasis on the directives of 2014 and 2022, and the work that EFRAG and ISSB are currently doing to regulate the released information.

Rosario Marrapodi

Rosario Marrapodi is a PhD candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at DISAQ, University of Naples Parthenope. He holds degrees in Economics and Management from the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and a master’s from IPE Business School. He has worked as a data analyst for companies like Camomilla Italia, Birra Peroni, and Duracell Italia. Rosario is part of the editorial committee for “Prospettive in Organizzazione” and an assistant editor for Studi Organizzativi, published by Franco Angeli. His research focuses on Human Resource Management and Change Management, particularly conflict management and negotiation techniques.

Cecilia Maltempo

Cecilia Maltempo is a Ph.D. student in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies (DISAQ), University of Naples Parthenope. Her academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Economics and Management, both obtained from the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli.” She was part of the first-place group at the 2019 Assochange-Assioa National Contest. She is also an assistant editor for the journal Studi Organizzativi, published by Franco Angeli. Her research focuses on Change Management and Human Resource Management, with a particular emphasis on managing organizational digital transition and the impact of Artificial Intelligence.

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